The 4 Leaders of Inside Sales

We've broken down the 4 styles of effective leadership and built a simple model for you to hone your leadership skills.

That title is a little misleading… we believe in balance, and that to create and run a successful inside sales function within a business having the correct leadership is key. There’s not a ‘one size fits all’ type model, but there are important attributes to have active within your leadership team. Like many models, the deeper you drill down the more detailed it can become.

To introduce this model we’ve split leadership into 4 styles. The prevalence of each style within your leadership depends on your business, and objectives. However as we mentioned, we believe in balance where possible. 

Balance doesn’t have to be 4 people who each fit solely into one style, nor does it mean that any individual needs to wear 4 hats. Having a good balance would simply be having the necessary type(s) of leadership active, at the times that they need to be. At times only 1 will be required, and for more complex situations, all 4 may be required.  How you choose to achieve having these skills and resources available within your leadership team needs to be done on an individual basis. 

The key for all 4

Effective communication is the essence of leadership within the inside sales community (and likely many others). The purpose of great communication is to share information that is understood by both parties. How this information is shared then comes down to our communication styles, and can be used to influence, inspire and comfort people in order to achieve great results. Leadership communication skills are crucial, and they provide the glue that binds the styles and attributes of successful leadership in inside sales.  

Leadership Attributes in Inside Sales 

Courageous Leader 

Inclusive Leader 

Ethical Leader 

Learning Leader 

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